are you a good or bad person?

There are many bad people in the world, there are also many bad people in the world. The bad ones are the reckless ones who get hurt. And the good ones care about what happens to themselves.

Are you GOOD or BAD? Do you have the guts to go skydiving or are you the one to chicken out? Take this quiz to find out if you are the type of person that is reckless or the shy scardey cat!

Created by: Anna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your fav food
  2. Who would you rather fight?
  3. What kind of people do/did you hang out with in highschool?
  4. How many fingers do you have
  5. Do you like animals
  6. Would you kill someone?
  7. Would you jump off of a cliff?
  8. Would you skydive?
  9. Do you have a squad/gang?
  10. Do you care about your family?
  11. Have you ever had a girlfriend/boyfriend?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good or bad person?