are you a good kisser

my quiz is to try and help people find out if there a good kisser or not if your not dont worry it will take some time but if you are a good kisser dont go around kissing people

hey now im a girl and most people my age already have boyfriends or girlfriends if you dont cause of your parents rules dont go breaking the rules just to kiss someone

Created by: breana
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. can you tie a cherry stem
  2. do you use tounge
  3. i love kissing
  4. kissing is dumb
  5. do you just stand there and let the other person do the work
  6. how good of a kisser do you think you are
  7. the girls/boys love me
  8. are you tall
  9. do you think this test will be right
  10. did you enjoy the test

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Quiz topic: Am I a good kisser