Are You a Good Horse Rider?

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You have so much courage to take on new things! And you really enjoy it. I chose this quiz so you can experience what I went through in my 6 years of horse riding!

I started of at 4 years old and wanted to be famous. I rode at that stables for 2 years until I was 6. Then I moved to another stables and started having lessons there before I new or I went to my first competition and came 2nd! I was only 8. At 9 I rode cas (16.7h) bareback it was an awesome experience! When I turned 10 I was allowed to ride Jazz (17h) but I still liked riding bracken my favourite horse! (16.1h) I carried on riding and entered a few more comps and came 1st!

Created by: Ella
  1. Are you a beginner, Novice or advanced?
  2. Can you control a horse by your self?
  3. Can you trot and do rising trot by yourself?
  4. Can you canter?
  5. Have you ever jumped.
  6. What gaits can you do?
  7. Have you ever entered a competition?
  8. Right you are a horse your rider whips you really hard! What do you do?
  9. Do you own a horse of your own?
  10. Can you tack up a horse by yourself?
  11. What is your dream horse?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Good Horse Rider?