Are You a Good, Great, or Terrible Friend?

This is a quiz..... That tests whether you are a good friend, or a bad one...... now i cant think of anything else to say so i am going to type randomley....

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Created by: Skyler
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when your friend does not talk to anyone, what do you do?
  2. are you happy for your friend when he\she dates someone you told him\her you had a crush on?
  3. do you and your friend get into stupid fights over any of the following and not talk to each other for weeks?
  4. do you like this quiz so far?
  5. would you be my friend just through knowing i exist through this quiz?
  6. were you honest about the answers so far that you gave?
  7. will you be honest for the following questions?
  8. do you mind if a friend delibretly makes you mad?
  9. do you mind if i use jibber jabber in the next question?
  10. ghjdgjcjkludtym,
  11. do you want your results?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Good, Great, or Terrible Friend?