Are you a good friend the Accurate addition

Their are some good friends I know some ok ones and even some bad ones.time to see which one you are with my accurate quiz.hope you get a good score.good luck

Do you think you are a good friend?Or are you just not sure.You have to be a good friend to have or get a good friend. Come on and take the quiz it will be worth it.

Created by: jessica

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How much do you talk to your friend?
  2. Do you remember your friends phone number by heart?
  3. Why is your friend your friend?
  4. Are you nice to your friend's friend?
  5. If your friend gave you a sweater with a tear in it and a stain for Christmas how would you react?
  6. (No effect)rate
  7. Also no effect. Comment
  8. Is your friend nice to you?
  9. No effect. Did you like the quiz?
  10. Hi. Sorry ran out of questions.
  11. I love the singer aaliyah do you. If you say no I will always think of you as a windbag.look it up in the dictionary its a real word.

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Quiz topic: Am I a good friend the Accurate addition