are you a good friend?

this quiz is about being a good friend. it consists of 12 questions. pretty much life and death situations between bestfriends and pals. and no this has nothing to do with my personal life.

this should be a quiz you take with your bestfriends or something you know? take this quiz and see if you are a good friend. there are many ways to find out but this good be the best.

Created by: kadri of none
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your friend is feeling down.. what do you do?
  2. your friend gets evicted...what do you do?
  3. your friends car breaks down...what do you do?
  4. your friend is in an abusive relationship...what do you do?
  5. your friend loses a baby..what do you do?
  6. your having a sleep over and invite a friend that your friend doesnt like.. what do you do?
  7. your boyfriend like your bestfriend..what do you do?
  8. your friend is in debt...what do you do?
  9. eh pick a number 1-5
  10. what is your fave song?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good friend?