are you a good friend

there are many many kind people out there in the world and then there are others with different intentions i created this quiz for you to find out who you are

so do you think you are a good friend well you will know in just a few minutes, before you take this quiz think about you and your best friend forever

Created by: Amazon
  1. how often do you talk to them
  2. lets say your friend gets bullied what do you do
  3. your friend needs the answers to there math homework
  4. your friend spills food on their shirt
  5. you find your friend crying against their locker
  6. do you like this quiz
  7. do you think your a good friend
  8. on a scale from 1 to 10 how much of a good friend are you
  9. what would you do if well you were walking to school and there was a big truck driving fast around the corner but you friend didn't see it coming
  10. do you like your friend

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Quiz topic: Am I a good friend