Are you a good friend

This quiz is to test your friend ship worthyness I suppose. There are many choices that can happen with friends in the real world. This could help you make the right ones.

This will truly test your friendships outcomes and possibly your existence. Answer the questions as honest as possible and even I might consider you friendworthy! Good luck!

Created by: Aaron

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your BF/GF is in trouble. But your friend from school needs help with a school project. What do you do?
  2. Your friend didn't fill out his/her study guide for the test. What do you do?
  3. Your friend needs money for his date. You also have a date later that night. You will have no money for your date. Your options are:
  4. Your friend gets pulled over with you in the car with him. His license is expired. But yours isn't. What do you do?
  5. Your friend is in a bad financial situation. You choose to....
  6. Your friend missed a week of school. You do?....
  7. Your friend doesn't have health insurance and broke his arm. You do?....
  8. Your friend spilled coffee all over his clothes. You do?....
  9. Your friends' friend died.
  10. Your friend died.

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Quiz topic: Am I a good friend