Are You A Good Friend?

Have you ever wondered if you are a good or bad friend? If you take this quiz you can find out. Excited to find out? Well don't wait any longer and take the quiz!

Your friends say your mean? Nice? Take this test and see if they are right! Just use a couple minutes of your time to take this quick easy and FREE test!

Created by: totok13
  1. Do you know your friend's birthday?
  2. If your friend was hurt would you help them?
  3. Do you know your friend's favorite color?
  4. Do you and your friend hang out a lot?
  5. Do you and your friend have a lot of inside jokes?
  6. Are you there for your friend when they are sad?
  7. Are you nice to your friend?
  8. Do you know your friend's favorite animal?
  9. If there's an earthquake would you save your games or your friend?
  10. Are you ready to find out? (No affect on results.)

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Quiz topic: Am I A Good Friend?