are you a good friend?

i just did this quiz because i was bored its 2:00 o clock in the morning i wont go to sleep because im a paranoid little b1tch that believe that 3:00 o clock is devils hour so yeah

also one more thing i wanna know do you actually think your friend would do the sh1t you do........learn from now because i found out the hard way i trusted somebody and they let me do thats why i dont need friends they disappoint me.

Created by: the bored b1tch of [no urls]
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  1. your friend is getting her a$$ beat in a fight what you do?
  2. your friend is robbing a bank she/he ask you to help them what you gon do?
  3. if your friend needs CPR would you do it?
  4. if you needed CPR do you think your friend would do it?
  5. do you love your friend????.......tell the truth and nothing but the truth because love is a very strong word so use it wisely
  6. what you love about your friend?
  7. whats the most expensive thing you've thing ever bought your friend?
  8. if your friend is lost would you even make an effort to find him/hr.
  9. your friend have no bus fair and shes/hes crying because she/he cant go home you only have $10 what would you do?
  10. BIG QUESTION: do you actually think your friend would do the same sh1t you do?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good friend?

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