are you a good digital citizen?

This is my quiz on digital security. nobody is going to read this, so i am just going t o press on random keys. yjexdgijofefffffffffffqw3t egou4thweuvgwyt


Created by: charlotte
  1. how many online friends do you have that you have never met in person?
  2. have you ever told an online friend your real name, gender, age, or any other personal information?
  3. do you have a private social media account?
  4. do you frequently buy from unknown websites online?
  5. how many extensions do you have?
  6. do you follow anyone other than friends or family on social media?
  7. do you watch YouTube videos for upward of 3 hours a day?
  8. do you post online?
  9. have you ever left a negative comment on someone else content?
  10. do you think you are a good digital citizen?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good digital citizen?
