are you a God/demi-god or human | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz are you a God/demi-god or human.

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  • Demi god,I do like to have power and authority as well as going by my own rules and instincts but I don't like having responsibilities over others sense I don't care for many people due to my past. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • You Mortals will pay given a brain and intelligence yet you insist on using it for war I will kill all Mortals and turn the multiverse into a peaceful place where only true Gods rule the multiverse BTW 70% GOD

    Zamasu GOD
    • First time I did this I got a 93% on both God and Demi-God so from one godlike being to another we probably shouldnt kill mortals, I mean if humanity ends the universe is still gonna go on not caring about any of them and its not like they can really hurt god like beings at least not yet so why would you even care?

      Fantastic Sanic
  • First time I did this quiz I got 93% on both God and Demi-God I think its because of how much I think about the universe and how tiny we all our, and you can even scale how powerful God is by using math believe it or not

    God is a 4-dimensional but given that were 3-dimensional beings we cant see everything God does

    So he could make dirt come from his hands when in reality theres actually a process to him making it we just cant see that process

    So God ether doesnt have a physical body or he does but we just cant comprehend what it looks like so he probably just takes the form of an old man cause we can understand that

    Although despite all that I still hold on hope that Ill find love and I can break away from being apathetic after my seizures and being abused and manipulated and my feeling of loneliness

    So even though Ive become emotionless theres still apart of me thats compassionate and wanting love

    And even if I was a God Id never show myself because my goal would be to try and give everybody a fulfilling life and for them to find there own meanings in life wether it be through passion or emotion, wether it being something big like a king or ruler, or something small like appreciating nature or being with loved ones

    So maybe thats why Im not 100% a god because theres still a part of me thats human

    Fantastic Sanic
  • Why is it my fellow God are so insistent on murder every mortal they come across, come on people. At least give them a chance to try to get even a fraction of our power before banishing them to the abyss.

  • I'm a Goddess fear me.

  • 100% god... hah I am immortal

  • I got god die mortals

  • Yay 86% Demi God ^^

    • i got 93 not t brag fellow god

      jose the god
    • yay ima demi god
      yay ima demi god

  • E

    Fantastic Sanic

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