Are you a girly girl or tombpy?

Hello welcome to are you girly or tomboy feel free to take my quiz!πŸ’« I hope you enjoy it you don't have to like my quozπŸ’ž YOU HAVE A AMAZING DAY YOUR KIND AND LOVED

Plzz enjoy the quiz I was very honestπŸ’Ÿ I love all the players very much I work hard yes I'm in school I work everyday in scholl YOUR AGAIN LOVED AND KIND AND SWEER

Created by: Gracelynn
  1. Do you like dresses
  2. Do you prefer skirt or hoodiesπŸ‘ΎπŸ‘½
  3. Hair up in a pony tail or down
  4. Last question!! πŸ’„πŸ’„πŸ’„ MAKEUP??? OR NO MAKEUPπŸ’„πŸ“Ώ
  5. Sunset or sunrise
  6. Girl math or no girl math
  7. Sabrina Carpenter or jelly roll
  8. Are you a bow type or a bun type
  9. Shopping or stay home
  10. Watching Tiktok or pintrest

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Quiz topic: Am I a girly girl or tombpy?
