Are you a Girly Girl Or A Tomboy

There are many people in the world. You never know what they could be so that's why this test exists.......................................... :P awkward.

Anyways soon you'll find out what you are so ha don't bother to read the rest of this paragraph

Created by: I_Suck_Right
  1. Do You Like Sports Or MakeUp
  2. How do You dress every day
  3. Indoors Or Outdoors
  4. Your Usally Found...
  5. Organized or Messy?
  6. Fav Color?
  7. Fav Movie Genre
  8. Do you like this quiz? (Doesn't effect result)
  9. What do you think you are? (Doesn't effect results)
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: Am I a Girly Girl Or A Tomboy