Are you a girly girl or a tomboy?

This game is awesome. You can play it with your family and friends. What do you think you are tomboy or girly girl? Comment what you think you are! Just tap what is true about you don’t press anything that doesn’t relate to you. Please comment and tell me 1-10 how good the game was!

This is a good vibes game. I would play this! I am more of a tomboy than girly, but I do have some girly things. Just remember this game isn’t scientifically proven true (your statements about who you are.) Please enjoy this game!

Created by: Bella
  1. Do you like to do sports?
  2. Do you like going shopping?
  3. Do you like feeling comfortable.
  4. How much are you on the phone?
  5. Would you rather play sports or go shopping?
  6. Do you like to go on vacations?
  7. Do you want to get married?
  8. Do you like blue hair or purple hair?
  9. Do you like small dogs or big dogs?
  10. What color is mostly in your closet?

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Quiz topic: Am I a girly girl or a tomboy?
