are you a gir superfan????

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gir is my favorite character, so here is a quiz for it!!!!!! He is a very silly robot that is the cool :) I personally think he overpowers every character, but don’t listen to me!

are you sure that gir is your absolute favorite character? Take this darn quiz to see if you’re a gir superfan! brag to your friends about how cool you are!!!

Created by: idiotboy of website for idiots
(your link here more info)
  1. is gir your favorite character from invader zim?
  2. how many gir things do you own?
  3. is gir plastered all over your walls
  4. do ya want him as a little pet??? :D
  5. okay almost done!
  6. do you act like gir?
  7. Have you ever been Gir for Halloween?
  8. Do you have friends that like Gir, or invader zim?
  9. do you love him?
  10. oh shoot!

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Quiz topic: Am I a gir superfan????
