Are You A Giftie?

There are many smart people, but few true gifties. Gifties afterall, quite AMAZING. What is a GIFTIE? A GIFTIE is someone who has an extraordinarily clever mind, is able to ACT COMPLETELY INSANE, and see the world through an entirely novel point of view

Have You Ever wanted to know how insane you were? Well this quiz will not only tell you that but it will give you a name for it!!! Frenchie? Giftie? Normie? Pie Obsesser? Yes giftie and frenchie mean you learn differently but this is just about your sane-ness!!

Created by: The Giftie of piczo
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. TV!
  3. What do you think of when I say "pie"?
  4. Do you like cheese?
  5. *HUG*
  6. Ridiculous!
  7. Do You Think James IS the Best MAGICIAN EVER??????
  8. What is Konrads favourite hobbie?
  9. Who Wrote Banana Phone?
  10. i hate snow i hate snow

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Quiz topic: Am I A Giftie?