Are you a Geometry Dash player?

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This quiz will determine whether you play Geometry Dash, and will also determine how much of a Geometry Dash player are you! So, take it with a grain of salt and do not take is seriously.

This quiz is for fun and has inaccuracies, so again, do not take this seriously, and, take it with a grain of salt, so yeah, Good luck on this quiz!!!!

Created by: Void
  1. Who do you think is the best player?
  2. Who do you think was the worst cheater?
  3. What do you do when you get 99% on Bloodlust, Yatagarasu, Etc.
  5. What era do you like most?
  6. Which is your hardest difficulty?
  7. Which do you prefer?
  8. How old are you? (this does not change the score(
  9. Which update was called "One of the slowest updates in GD"?
  10. Finally, robtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtoprobtop

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Quiz topic: Am I a Geometry Dash player?
