Are you a genius or stupid?

There are many smart people but few is true genoius. I am because duh, I made the quiz. Life has bad and good choices. Hey are you a genoius?!?! I wonder...

Are you a genois? I don't care about spelling that much but some do. LALADODO I am waiting at the finish line. See ya there!!! Bye bye ! LAladodo! You are a scardy-cat because your not doing it right now!

Created by: Not telling
  1. What is Harry Potters two friends?
  2. If you choose a friend would you choose...
  3. Would you rather eat ice:cream free at anytime or have sleepovers with your best or any friend any time you want?
  4. Would you rather eat one bowl of poop or cry glass shards
  5. Would you rather play tic-tac toe or jump rope?
  6. Would you rather do ...
  7. Would you rather eat breakfest at lunch or the other way around
  8. lala
  9. Almost done
  10. Finish. Would you rather eat or play.

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Quiz topic: Am I a genius or stupid?