are you a genius about soccer?

Plenty of people I know are geniuses,a genius is someone who know almost everything about the whole world.Example:Einstein is a pure genius he was an extraordinary mind which focuses on a novel point and view

Come and do my quiz to see if you are one genius take my quiz and in a few secondes you will find out.I think you are a genius try and you will see im right.

Created by: edwardo
  1. which of these players do you think i like the most?
  2. Which of these clubs do you think i like the most?
  3. Which team (country) I like the most?
  4. Who won the first World Cup?
  5. Which player is currently holding the number 88?
  6. Who is the manager of Manchester United?
  7. Kun Aguero is with wich club?
  8. Who won the world cup 2010?
  9. In which continent was held the World Cup 2010?
  10. Has an asian country ever won a world cup ?
  11. Does Forlan play with Atletico Madrid
  12. What is the name of the goaly of Manchester
  13. Wath is the name of the new player in Chelsea?
  14. Which player came from Arsenal to Barcelona
  15. What are the 3 new players in Manchester City
  16. you think you have won? GOOD LUCK

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Quiz topic: Am I a genius about soccer?