Are you a genius?

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There are alot of smart people on the world. There are only a few people that are real geniuses. If you take this quiz you can see how smart you are or how dumb you are.

It will only take a few minutes. All you need to do is finish the quiz and you will learn more about yourself. If you follow my instructions you will soon become a genius.

Created by: Stephanie
  1. What is 2+2?
  2. What is inncorect?
  3. Which is the smartest?
  4. what helps you the most in school?
  5. What do you do in your free time at school?
  6. What do your parents say when they see your repaort card?
  7. What do your friends think of you?
  8. Have you ever got a d on your report card?
  9. Next lets go over some social studies. What is the capitol of wyoming
  10. What is the capitol of virginia?
  11. what is another name for lava?

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Quiz topic: Am I a genius?