Are you a Genius?

People are born geniuses, so not everyone is one. The genius is among 0.25%. A genius isn't always about IQ, though. It is about how good you are at solving problems.

A genius is creative and loves mentally stimulating challenges. Anyway, this is my first quiz, so it not perfect. I tried my best, though! I hope you enjoyed it!

Created by: Rei2006
  1. Are you ready for PART ONE of this quiz?
  2. Do you talk to yourself?
  3. Do you daydream?
  4. Do you like being alone with your thoughts?
  5. Do you question everything?
  6. Do you like challenging yourself?
  7. Do you worry a lot?
  8. Do you have a good memory?
  9. Are you ready for PART TWO of this quiz?
  10. Which place attracts you the most?
  11. Which quote appeals to you the most?
  12. Are you ready for the LAST QUESTION?
  13. What is your IQ?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Genius?

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