Are you a geeky person

There are many nerds in this world. If your a nerd work on your techniques. A nerd is someone who gets straight As. They also dress like a weirdo. Those cool kids out there nice job being a cool kid.

Are you a nerd? Do you dress with suspenders or where long weird socks? If you do your a nerd. Mayby you like being a nerd ans thats your style. But if you really want to know if you are nerd trynthis quiz!

Created by: Lauren
  1. Do you were suspenders
  2. Have you ever had a missing assignment?
  3. If your glasses broke would you tape them or get a new pair?
  4. Do u have braces
  5. Do you were long socks
  6. Do you like reading books
  7. Are you very neat
  8. Are you in a computer club
  9. Do you like pokemon
  10. Do you play sports

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Quiz topic: Am I a geeky person