are you a geek quiz

there are people that may claim to be geeks but there is only a few that really are off you are a geek be proud of it in brace it a geek is a intelegent person who knows technology well

are you a geek?do you know it? after you take this test you get to conform that you are a geek and unlock your inner geek, do you want to know, then take the test!

Created by: Devin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what cockies do you like most?
  2. how many hours do you spend on a computer or mobile divice
  3. how mutch ram does your computer have
  4. what langwage do you like
  5. what procsessers are the best
  6. what web browser are you using
  7. do you consist or your self as a geek
  8. (if yove alrety passed) in elementary or high school what troop where you
  9. what does a computer need to work at all
  10. what is the best is ever

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Quiz topic: Am I a geek quiz