Are You A Gay Man

Do you know what gender you are into mostly? By the way this is only for men but if you are a woman you can take it. If your a woman then what I put down is what you get.

FOR WOMEN: GAY-Straight, Straight-Lesibean, Bisexual-Bisexual. I hope you guys do enjoy iy. I tried not to be sexual except the second last question..

Created by: pitbull77
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite color
  2. Which of these names do you like better and would want to be your name
  3. Which one
  4. least favorite subject in school
  5. Favorite youtuber
  6. which one (each one effect a diffrent thing)
  7. Do you cook (Not barbque or microwave)
  8. What do you think you are out of these
  9. What letter OR letters
  10. Are you in a relation ship
  11. where would you go out on a date
  12. bottom or top or behind or infront or side
  13. do you have a job

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Quiz topic: Am I A Gay Man