Are You A Gangsta Or A Wangsta

This is a quiz to know if you are gangsta related, pimp related, or weeny related. Take this quiz to know which one and if you do it will change your whole life and i mean your whoooollllleeee life.

And also u could tell if you arer cool or not u should take this quiz to get the u know who yeah dats right da ladies so take this quiz and that is it.

Created by: Saadiq
  1. How do u ghost ride it?
  2. What is Mac Dre's "Quote"?
  3. Do we ride da..........
  4. Do we wear long shirts or short shirts?
  5. Is sponge bob gay?
  6. What is thizz.
  7. Can u tell someone is gay by there.....
  8. Do we have girfrens in 5th grade?
  9. Can you be a gangsta and still not smoke?
  10. Do gangstas alwayz have time for there ladies?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Gangsta Or A Wangsta