Are you a gaming geek?

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Do you think your a gaming geek? We all probably love games but are u a geek with games. A video game is a complex system or task that entertains you. Are you a gaming geek? Find out here.

In a few minutes, this quiz can tell you if your a major geek. Even if you don't know if your a gaming geek, you can find out here from the pro's. Come on and see for yourself!

Created by: Skylar Scole

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many games have you played in your life so far?
  2. How well do you know Mario?
  3. Have you played any shooting games?
  4. Do you like games?
  5. How does gaming contribute to you?
  6. Almost Done. Have you ever played Zelda?
  7. Do you ever play pc games like minecraft?
  8. When do u usually buy a game?
  9. How much do you think you know about games?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a gaming geek?