are you a gamer or a non gamer

There are a lot of gamers but are you a good gamer answer this quiz and try to get 100% and please don't cheat by searching up the answers be onest and do your best

So are you a genius do you have the gamer in side you to do this do your best and become a pro gamer this quiz will help you to know answer them all plz

Created by: tye
  1. What is a noob?
  2. What is E3?
  3. What is apple?
  4. What is a Xbox?
  5. CAN YOU PLAY GAMES LIKE A BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Are you awesome
  7. Controller!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. What is a troll.
  9. What does lol mean
  10. What is a rpg

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Quiz topic: Am I a gamer or a non gamer