Are you a future tax preparer?

This quiz was made specifically for the participants of the Family Fun Day at the Park Center. Hopefully you find some of the questions fun and some challenging.

Are you a future Tax Pro? Take this quiz to find out. If you're over 70 percent, you may get a job offer soon! If not, remember, there are a lot of things to do out there!

Created by: Susan Coleman
  1. What does IRS stand for?
  2. What is 10% of $3000?
  3. Who is Uncle Sam?
  4. If you had 40 cows, and half of them had a calf, how many cows and calves would you have?
  5. Can your parents claim your dog or cat on their tax return?
  6. If you buy a video game for $60, and the tax is 7%, how much will you pay at the register?
  7. If you lived in Perryville and went to the zoo in St. Louis, how many miles would your family have to drive to get there?
  8. What is income tax?
  9. How often do you file a tax return?
  10. Do teachers have to pay income tax?

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Quiz topic: Am I a future tax preparer?