Are You A Funny Person?

I Made this 'Are you a funny person?' quiz, On Saturday 27th June 2009, so people like you can see if they are funny and have a sense of humour. So take this quiz to see if you are funny and have a sense of humour, also you can see if you want think you need to get funnier, a funny person sould make people laugh!

Are you funny or just boring? Well if you are not sure then take this quiz so you can see what percent you are. In just a few minutes you will find out if you are FUNNY and have a SENSE OF HUMOUR!

Created by: Rimsha

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do You Take things seriously?
  2. Do You Laugh At Funny Things?
  3. Do You Tell Jokes?
  4. Do You listen to jokes
  5. Do you watch comady shows (like south park or family guy)
  6. Can You Make Funny Faces
  7. Has someone ever laughed at You?
  8. Has someone ever said you was funny?
  9. Do you go on google and find jokes to tell?
  10. Have people laughed at you in the past 7 days?
  11. What joke do you think is the funniest?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Funny Person?