Are you a Fullmetal Alchamist fan?

I Love this show and i wanted to make a quiz to see if i was the only one!!! ok I love this showand my thing would only be two words if it didn't need 150 letters am i done yay!

Are you a fullmetal Alchamist Fan? are you i know i am and i hope i'm not the only one out there because you need to watch this show!!! i mean everybody should watch this show!

Created by: Jake
  1. Why is Al a empty suit of armor?
  2. What is the name of Ed's metal arm and leg?
  3. who is the big badguy in this show
  4. On What date did they Ed and Al Burn They're house?
  5. What is Al's real name?
  6. What is Ed's real name?
  7. what do they call the person who made ed;s arm and leg?
  8. Can You Raed Tihs I'ts cool
  9. do you ever comment about ed's hight?
  10. how do you kill Al?
  11. did you like this test?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Fullmetal Alchamist fan?