Are you a fat teenager?

there a some people who are skinny some who a not so skinny and some who are massive. Where do you fit on the spectrum. Find out today and make sure you enjoy it!

there a some people who are skinny some who a not so skinny and some who are massive. Where do you fit on the spectrum. Find out today and make sure you enjoy it!d

Created by: Patrick

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In a day how many meals would you eat? (not snacks)
  2. When you have a snack what is it most likely to be?
  3. How much exercise do you do on a weekly basis? (ignoring PE)
  4. In PE how early are you picked for a team?
  5. In PE how quickly do you get out of breath?
  6. What do you consider yourself?
  7. What do you friends say about your weight?
  8. k
  9. k
  10. k

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Quiz topic: Am I a fat teenager?