Are you a fast reader?

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Hey y'all!! This is my first quiz, so it might be absolutely horrible. IDC! It was still fun to make! So, has anyone ever told you that you are a fast reader? That you can memorize what you read? Well, maybe this can help you convince yourself of your reading skills!

I hope you enjoy, and remember that this is just for fun, so it probably won't be 100% right. And there are always exceptions. Also, don't be upset if you're not a great reader, it probably means that you would dominate at video games!

Created by: King'sRanger3
  1. How many books do you read per year?
  2. What is your genre?
  3. How long does it take you to read a book?
  4. After you finish a good book, how much do you remember?
  5. Do you read for fun?
  6. How old are you?
  7. What do you do in your freetime?
  8. First thing that pops into your head: Potato
  9. How long do you spend reading?
  10. Bye, don't die!

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Quiz topic: Am I a fast reader?
