Are you a fashion queen?

Plenty of people like their style but are they really a fashion queen but are they truly. take this quiz and find out if you are or you arent! Take the quiz now!!! please thanks!!!

Plenty of people like their style but are they really a fashion queen but are they truly. take this quiz and find out if you are or you arent!Take the quiz now!!! please thanks!!!

Created by: bri
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your fav shoe brand?
  2. do you friends every ask you for fashion advice?
  3. Do you ever get any complaments on clothing or shoes?
  4. What is you fav store to shop 4 clothes?
  5. Do you have a fav style?
  6. has someone ever asked you if they looked ok?
  7. is there a particular style u just absoultly dislike?
  8. where is your fav shoe store?
  9. Are you singled out due to ur sence of style?
  10. last q, do you feel uncofortable with your sence of style?

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Quiz topic: Am I a fashion queen?