Are you a Fanzel?

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A fanzel is a person who is a fan of the actress/singer Idina Menzel. If you want to know if you are a fan of her, you should take this quiz to find out.

There are many different Idina fans out there, some very obsessed and some just liking her from one play or movie. What kind of fan are you?

Created by: lolgurl321

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Idina's middle name?
  2. What was her surname before she changed it?
  3. What is Idina's Dog's name?
  4. What was the name of the album Idina released in 2008?
  5. What was the name of the non animated Disney movie Idina starred in?
  6. What is Idina's sister's name
  7. How many broadway shows did she star in?
  8. What show did Idina win a Tony award for?
  9. When is Idina's birthday?
  10. Who did Idina star with in wikced?
  11. How old is Idina as of November 2015?
  12. What was the first broadway show Idina starred in?
  13. When did If/then go off Broadway?
  14. What show did Idina meet her husband in?
  15. What is Idina's ex-husband's name?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Fanzel?