Are You a Fan Of Warior Cats?

Many people consider them selves as fans of warrior cats. This quiz will tell you the real answer. This quiz will include deaths and books. In the three last things that I said for results there are challlenge questions!

Are you a fan? Are you a genius? Aor are you both? Take the quiz and you will find out! You might notice that some of these questions are from books that you might have not read! It doesn't mater!

Created by: chloe
  1. How many warriors books are you reading?
  2. How did snowfur die?
  3. How many clans are there?
  4. How did Scourge die?
  5. What was bluestar's name supposed to be?
  6. How did moonflower die?
  7. What was the name of the new cat that lived in Rusty's home?
  8. How did bluestar die?
  9. Who replaced leopardsatr as leader?
  10. Who's skywatcher?
  11. What is the mission that firestar and sandstorm go on?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Fan Of Warior Cats? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Warriors Quiz category.