Are you a Fairy, Witch, god/goddess, Vampire, Mermaid?

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I made this quiz because everyone is a witch, mermaid, siren etc. so i hope you enjoy this quiz it it my very first one every so please enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope you enjoy this quiz it took 8 hours just to make this but hopefully you really like this amazing quiz that i made for you all also if you know the youtuber Fusionzgamer His account on youtube got destroyed.

Created by: Emma
  1. What would you rather eat?
  2. What would you rather drink
  3. where would you want to be?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. What is your favorite element?
  6. how many people like fantasy?
  7. BONUS: What do you like best
  8. Do you like anime?
  9. are you girl or boy
  10. are you cool

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Quiz topic: Am I a Fairy, Witch, god/goddess, Vampire, Mermaid?
