are you a fabulous killjoy?

there are some wanna be killjoys,and some posers but there are a select few that are true killjoys. a killjoy will do whatever it takes to eliminate BL/ind.

are you a killjoy? are you? well take this quiz to find out! you may be and you may not be but thats just how you pick. answer wisely because BL/ind. may get you!

Created by: logan
  1. what name is most appealing to you?
  2. wat is your preferred weapon?
  3. whats your favorite animal?
  4. preferred ride
  5. what do you wear?
  6. who are your enimies?
  7. how far will you go to protect something/someone
  8. favorite music
  9. do u like this quiz???
  10. do you think your a fabulous killjoy?

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Quiz topic: Am I a fabulous killjoy?