Are You A Dumb Person?

There are many dumb people but we need to figure out who it is and help them. Dumb is what you say? Dumb is a bad thing in your brain that you need fixed ASAP.

Are YOU a dumb person? I HOPE NOT! That title won't bring you fame or anything... Take this quiz and you will soon find out if your dumb and need help, or your smart and awesome!!!

Created by: Chaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have an average of at least a B in school?
  2. Do you like zombees?
  3. Are people staying around you for at least 10 minutes?
  4. What is 1+1?
  5. Last question
  6. NAHT!!! Hey person your really smart
  7. Do you like the song "Row Row Row Your Boat"?
  8. Hi
  9. What grade are you in?
  10. Last Question PROMISE! Please like this quiz!

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Quiz topic: Am I A Dumb Person?