Are you a dumb---. a smartass or a lazyass?

Do you ever wonder, perhaps, that you may be a dumb---? Or, maybe, a smartass or a lazyass? Well, today is your lucky day! This test will determine which one you are!

This is a fun quiz, and all you have to do is answer simple questions,12 to be exact! But, don't worry! There won't be any complicated math questions here! Just stupid ones...

Created by: Ala-Lea
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. is the earth square?
  2. What are you wearing?
  3. r u a panda bear?
  5. what hand do you wipe your butt with?
  6. Do you eat with that same hand?
  7. do you play video games?
  8. do you drink coffee?
  9. whats your favorite color?
  10. do you pick your nose?

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Quiz topic: Am I a dumb---. a smartass or a lazyass?