Are you a duck?

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Are you a duck? You don't know? Well, take this quiz because that is literally what it's for. So.... yeah, come and take the quiz because it's fun and duck!

Go ahead, see if you are educated about ducks, see if you are worthy of being a duck in my eyes, the eyes of a duck myself. Come on, the ducks are willing you to take this quiz.

Created by: Sxnny
  1. How do you feel about ducks?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. How much do you know about ducks?
  4. Which one?
  5. Do you have any pets?
  6. What do you wanna be when you are older?
  7. Do you know that ducks...
  8. How many types of ducks are there?
  9. What do you like or dislike about ducks?
  10. How would your life go without ducks on earth?

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Quiz topic: Am I a duck?
