there are many dog lovers, but not everybody that says they are are really so take my quiz to find out if you REALLY DO LOVE DOGS ! IF YOU DONT TAKE MY QUIZ THEN THAT MAKES IT OFFICLE THAT YOU HATE dogs!

do you LOVE DOGS or do you HATE dogs ? to find out if your a dog hater or a dog lover, take my quiz and find out if you get the result you wanted ! WELL GOOD LUCK ON THE QUIZ AND I HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY IT!

Created by: kelly

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you saw a lost dog in the streets that was so sweet was following you and had a number on its collar what would you do?
  2. if your mom gave you a dog for your birthday what would you say?
  3. do you like dogs?
  4. what kind of breed do you like most?
  5. if a street dog tried to bite you what would you do?
  6. if your dog ripped your shoe what would you do?
  7. if your dog licked your face and would not stop then what would you do?
  8. have you ever hit a dog?
  9. if your dog broke a leg would you take it to the veterinarian
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: Am I A DOG HATER OR LOVER?