Are you a dog expert?

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Dogs are incredibly brilliant animals unique each in their own sense. There are around 700 breeds and more to come. the extraordinary differences between some amazes me and I hope that canines have amazed you, too!

In this quiz you must answer questions about if a breed is real or if I made it up. It may seem simple but beware dog lovers! This quiz is packed with never before heard of breeds!

Created by: dogexpert
Personality Test
  1. Is the perro de presa dogo a true breed of dog?
  2. Is the moon crest shepherd dog real?
  3. is the foxhound-harrier real?
  4. is the Stephen cur a real breed
  5. are beaver-hounds real?
  6. Are Garafiano shepherds real
  7. is and el gou( Spanish for the dog) a real breed.
  8. what is a type of longdog
  9. okay sorry to bother you but I ran out of questions so is this quiz good?
  10. click yes it is the right answer

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Quiz topic: Am I a dog expert?