Are You A Dino, Or A Duck?

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Hi, quiz-takers! Get ready for some fun (and silly) questions! Ever wondered if you were a dino or a duck? Probably not!but, hey, you are gonna have a f u n time!

So, answer the questions. That simple. Well, do you like jumping into pools? (This is not about pools), but I said that because we are about to jump into a bucket of f u n .

Created by: Ellie
  1. do you like fluffy, cute things, or shy, small, and also cute things?
  2. Are you open-minded, and always willing to help, or are you shy, loving and cute?
  3. You are lost in a alleyway, and you think there is no one around. What do you do?
  4. You are starving and you have no money at the time, and no food. What do you do?
  5. You need to go to school on the first day of preschool, and you are nervous. What do you do?
  6. Cupcake, or cake?
  7. What do you think you will get? (Will not affect your score).
  8. Do you like chilling, or running?
  9. Do you like trying new foods, or do you like sticking with the same food?
  10. Do you like automating things, or doing them by hand?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Dino, Or A Duck?
