Are you a die hard justin bieber fan

lots of people think their die hard fans but very few actullay are take my quiz to see if you are take it now take it now take it now take it now take it

are you a fan if you are take my rockin quiz to find out you can do it there are very few belibers but you may be one of them good luck rock on kool 78

Created by: haley

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old is he (as of 2012)
  2. who is his legal custody
  3. when is justins birthday
  4. Who is his girlfriend (as of 2011)
  5. what is the biebs middle name
  6. whats his signature move
  7. how old is his mom
  8. do u love justin bieber
  9. how many tatts does he have (as of 2011)
  10. whats his perfume called
  11. whos his bff
  12. whats his insecurity
  13. what did he do for selena recently in late 2011
  14. finish the lycris/ i should be playin in the winter snow but imma be
  15. and now im like
  16. whats jb's dogs name
  17. ready for the last ?
  18. What is justins fave candy

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Quiz topic: Am I a die hard justin bieber fan