are you a design a friend lover?

I wanted to make this quiz so everybody could have fun.there is a cabbage patch lover quiz so i thought why not make a design a friend one . Hope you enjoy!

Are YOU a design a friend lover? If not,why dont you try my design a friend lover quiz. Its great, i promise you. Will YOU be the o e to see how much design a friend you really are!

Created by: Lily-Mae
  1. Do you have a design a friend?
  2. Do you care for your design a friend?
  3. What condition is your design a friends hair?
  4. How many clothes does your design a friend have?
  5. What is your design s friends name?
  6. How much do you play with your design a friend?
  7. Do you like your design a friend?
  8. Do you talk to your design a friend
  9. Do you sleep with your design a friend
  10. Did you enjoy my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a design a friend lover?