Are you a Desert Dragon?

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Hello! And welcome to one of my quizzes! This one is if your a desert dragon! Anyways, this is a fandom dragon I made up but credits to Tui T Sutherland who created Wings of Fire, because I took some advise from that.

Please do not copy my fandom! This quiz took a while to make, so please don’t copy it either! You can draw the dragons though. Anyways, ready to start this quiz? Well then start. This thing is free to take anyways so go for it!

Created by: M00
  1. Can you stand the heat well?
  2. Do you love meat?
  3. If you had to go days without eating, but you would get some beautiful, and expensive gems, but it will also be very hot. Would you take the offer?
  4. Can you swim?
  5. How long can you go without drinking or eating?
  6. Do you have good friends?
  7. What makes you mad the most?
  8. Are you calm?
  9. Red or blue?
  10. What habitat would you rather have?
  11. Last question! 😁

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Quiz topic: Am I a Desert Dragon?
