Are you a Demon or Angle?

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Hello and welcome to this fellow quiz! it´s about : are you a demon or angle? by the way, none of this is actually real and is for entertainment porpuses only!!

Hello and welcome to this fellow quiz! it´s about : are you a demon or angle? by the way, none of this is actually real and is for entertainment porpuses only!! (same as above help im so lazy)

Created by: someone
  1. Favourite colors?
  2. What do you do in your free time?
  3. ever in a relationship?
  4. You see a church, what do you do?
  6. You see a innocent child
  7. yo likes anime?:3 (doesnt count)
  8. last question!!What do you think you´ll get?
  9. lol jk, wasnt last
  10. now fr lasthow do you say bye

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Quiz topic: Am I a Demon or Angle?
