Are you a demigod(juged from a Athena daughter)

Welcome to my quiz (random nonsense because There is a minumum srdhbcwdufbhvnwruvnfjbnwuerfnhwuerbnwuerfvnhuweodrfher8hfeirfneirngireungtrugrngrughier)

Part two (dhcbewffhhfhhhhhhherinigrjgnrjgb fjnfrujjjfjfjfjrjcvh fgunvmwrigjb we rpirfgbvqrrgfvpgbnwiptgnb wriptngwipsgbnwrenognqerigtnrpgtnu4i5gnbiruwgtnwkpegtbnw4pitgnwtpgnt)

Created by: Molly
  1. Do you want to be a demigod
  2. Have you seen creutures
  3. Do you have ADHD or dyslexia
  4. Do you have repeating dreams you can control
  5. do you have irrational fears
  6. do you seem to be feeling like you are watched
  7. Do you have vindictive teachers(evil teachers)
  8. Last one.Wish you luck
  9. Never mind fun question

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Quiz topic: Am I a demigod(juged from a Athena daughter)

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