Are you a demigod?

Hello! When answered truthfully, (please answer truthfully) you will be told if you're a demigod. After you take this test, stay tuned for my next one, "What Demigod Camp Should You Go To?" to see what you should do if you are, in fact, a demigod.

THIS QUIZ WILL MAKE MORE SENSE IF YOU READ RICK RIORDAN'S BOOK. You don 't have to, though. I hope you have tons of fun with my quiz! Sorry for my inactivity ;-;

Created by: peacelovepie
  1. Have you ever read Rick Riordans books about demigods? If not, you will not understand this quiz. If so, have you ever felt a strange feeling reading them?
  2. Have weird things always happened around you? Maybe even OMG-do-I-have-superpowers kinda weird?
  3. Are you suspicious of a friend/classmate or teacher who may be not human?
  4. Does one (or more) of the following apply to you?1: You were adopted.2: You were raised by a single parent3: One of your parents is a step parent.4: You suspect you are lied to about who your parents are.
  5. Are you dyslexic, ADHD, or lactose intolorant?
  6. Do you THINK you are a demigod?
  7. Has anyone ever followed you/ tried to talk to you/ stared at you or even just been around you that looked/sounded weird? Maybe you've seen a monster but thought it was your imagination or you've had to much to drink?
  8. Are you taking this test 'cuz you're bored, or a fan of Uncle Rick, or something, or do you actually think you're a demigod?
  9. Have you ever seen anyone holding a sword or knife or bow and arrows (or the like) with a orange or purple shirt? A TEEN DOING THESE THINGS?
  10. Well, I gotta wrap this up. Stay tuned for my next quiz, "Which Demigod Camp Should You Go To?" to see what to do after you get your results.

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Quiz topic: Am I a demigod?

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